While yes, it's the fourth of July... I'm afraid we missed the festivities around our parts this year. Ooops. Maybe next year.
We are knee deep in getting ready for our yard sale at the end of the month. I just have to state... it isn't that fun to go through old junk you don't want anymore. Nor is it all that fun to spend the fourth of July cleaning out the attic, when you would rather be doing just about anything else.
On the bright side, we have now cleaned out our whole storage room and half of our attic. A wee bit more to do and we'll be organized. Any of you out there looking for good baby/toddler stuff. Whoo Eeee do we have some for you!
I hope you did something more fun than we did! But, on the plus side we did attend two BBQ's this weekend, and have been having tons of fun with our new little fur ball Buddy, and that's pretty fun right?!
Happy Fourth of July All!
I need to come check out your yard sale... I could always use baby/toddler stuff : ) When will it be???
Myya, it's the last Friday and Saturday in July the 30th & 31st! Send me an email and I will send you back the address! Happy Monday.
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