Just thought I would check in with my blog and my blog friends out there. We are home, and have been home for two days from our road trip, and now, I'm a bit overwhelmed. I've been meaning for the last two days to download ALL of the photos from our trip and write about our great trip to California to visit Matt's wonderful family. But, it just hasn't happened.
There isn't enough time in the day I've decided.
There aren't enough days in the week, enough weeks in a month, and enough months in a year to get everything done, and accomplished, that I have to do on my plate.
My brain is spinning tonight...
Too many things to do, and I'm not even sure where to begin.
There is a very long to do list for the week(s) ahead!
The only thing I do know tonight is that I cannot wait to get recharged at the Willamette Celebration in the morning! Tomorrow the whole Willamette Valley is getting together for a church service. It's gonna be AWESOME!!! I need so badly to go and get centered by worshiping and praising God!!! I know that as soon as I do all of my feelings of being overwhelmed will be a distant thought.
Psalm Chapter 61:2
From the end of the earth will I call unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
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Thanks for blessing me with your writings.
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