Needing to remind myself that life is beautiful. To laugh, take deep breaths, keep calm, and carry on!
My kids have been INSANELY cranky since we have gotten home from our little road trip. They are all out of sorts... which means in a nut shell, so am I.
I always know that I will pay for taking them away from home, getting off our routine, letting them stay up way past their bedtimes, and live like there are no rules... but what are you gonna do when you're on vacation visiting grandma's, aunties, and cousins?
All I know right now is...
Yikes, it's hard to be calm, loving, and patient, when someone is throwing the 676th fit for the day, is speaking in a non-stop whining tone, is crying, refusing to eat, is picking on their sibling just because, will NOT LISTEN unless being yelled at.
So, tonight, I'm gonna try something... if you are having one of 'those weeks' or 'those days' join in with me...
Deep breath.........
Happy thoughts.........
Remember, this too shall pass.
Tomorrow is a brand new day.
The blessings outweigh the crappy stuff.
Life really is beautiful!
Life is especially beautiful in the light of a new day, so as I prepare to lay my head down to rest. I will be praying that I will awaken with a new attitude... Fresh perspective... & An extra dose of love and patience for my little ones.
And heck if that doesn't work, I'm just gonna put a post it note on my forhead to remind myself!:) What do ya think?
I'm gonna try too :)
Post-it notes really are useful for so many things, right!? ;)
We all have these days and I am sure these days drive all us mommies crazy! Hang in there.
I've had way more cranky days lately with my girls too. I think maybe I am keeping them too busy & not giving them enough down time. I like the stick the note on the forehead idea. I too often could really use that!
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