Thursday, July 2, 2009

what's growing...

The girls and I have really enjoyed

planting, tending, and growing our

garden this year.

Normally I don't get my garden in until

Memorial weekend, but this year I

was determined to get it in much earlier,

so we could actually have our own fruits

and veggies to eat in the summer,

instead of early fall.

Everything is taking off...

now we just get to eat! (grin)

Here's what we've planted:



green peppers

7 different tomato plants




3 different types of onion

lemon cucumber

burp-less cucumber




Some of my fondest childhood memories

are in the garden with my grandma & mama.

We always had a huge garden growing up,

and it taught me a lot!

I hope that I can pass the same kind of

sweet memories, and education on

to my girls.

Food never tastes as good as

when it's grown at home!

Shared at a table with love.

1 comment:

Invited In said...

What an amazing garden you have!! Next year we want a huge patch of strawberries. Yours looks awesome!!
Thanks for checking out my blog this morning. I am so glad you did:) I have enjoyed reading yours as well....your bath reno is beautiful!