Thursday, July 23, 2009


I found this to be inspiring... thought you might enjoy reading it too! Meg over at WHATEVER (click to read) had a wonderful post (Proverbs 31 Woman) that really was something I needed to read.

Here is a snippet from her post,
but do go check out her blog!

~The virtuous woman of proverbs 31 is
not a standard or yardstick to measure up to,
but the goal toward which
women should be moving.
she is the woman God is developing
women to be today as they follow Him.
The first step we can change is not gritting our teeth
& trying harder to be the perfect woman.
it is surrender.
the most important word in the christian
community is not commitment,
but surrender.
we can be committed in the flesh,
but surrender is admitting
what we cannot do in our strength.

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