Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's snowing!

Our house snow covered

View of the park

An attempt at a snow man

run don't walk!

it's awful to be adored....

Down the snowy path

playing is so much fun

grammy & papa's house

(a stop we made for dry mittens a few tissues)

We woke this morning to snow, even though the weather man said, we probably wouldn't get any, they did say more tomorrow, so we'll see?! For today, we took advantage (since the last snow happened in the dark) and took a "snow walk!" It was cold and fun. I took some pictures to share (this time). What a beautiful thing snow is, it just seems to make everything more beautiful.

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found? ~J.B. Priestley

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