Hello blog friends,
It's a new day! Hooray. Woke up a little growly again... but I'm nipping that feeling in the bud before it has a chance to bloom. Got a very nice little note of encouragement from my friend this morning, and her advise was "seeds of discouragement cannot grow in a grateful heart"... I love it! Thank you friend! Just what I needed to hear this morning!
Last night as I was feeling a little down about spending the evening at home, alone with the girls, we decided to get out of the house... so, we went to Costco ate a $3 dinner, and shopped around. We bought nothing, but it was fun to check out all of their new seasonal stuff! Then as we were driving home we drove by our favorite thrift shop, the girls said "Mama, let's go see if Vinnie's has any treasures"... girls after my own heart. I LOVE THRIFTING! So, we stopped... I didn't find any treasures this time, but Meritt found a toy pony for $1.50 and Bella found two of her animal ark books she loves to read for .50 cents each, so they were both thrilled. As for me, I'm just grateful that my girls are still amused and grateful to get a used pony and some old books! I'm sure that won't last forever, so I am going to enjoy it while it lasts! Matt beat us home, so I avoided the bedtime/bath time routine alone... (hmmm, as if I planned it ;) ) Got home, gave the girls a quick bath, and off to bed they went. Then Wednesday night funny TV... which I love! Especially Modern Family, have you watched it? It's hilarious... if you haven't check it out next Wednesday!
So, today my friends, I have a grateful heart, for the little things, the big things, and all the other blessings in between!
Have a great Thursday!
7 Bottles of Wine for $45 Shipped: Limited Time
5 weeks ago
Thanks for helping me remember the missing word (discouragement) in this quote I heard years ago and was so impressed by. I am preparing a Sunday School lessons for Philippians and wanted to use this quote in reference to Phil 4:6. Your post for 10/07/10 is cool and it's so nice to know that others who love Christ and life like I do are still out there in force (sometimes we all get that Elijah complex thing goin'... ya know?) Keep the faith sister and take care of those precious ones. In Christ, Craig.
Thanks for helping me remember the missing word (discouragement) in this quote I heard years ago and was so impressed by. I am preparing a Sunday School lessons for Philippians and wanted to use this quote in reference to Phil 4:6. Your post for 10/07/10 is cool and it's so nice to know that others who love Christ and life like I do are still out there in force (sometimes we all get that Elijah complex thing goin'... ya know?) Keep the faith sister and take care of those precious ones. In Christ, Craig.
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