"We all want to be good examples for our kids - but how often do we stop and consider what
it really entails? In addition to changing diapers and running carpools, and helping with
science problems, godly women are supposed to be wise, resourceful, hospitable,
encouraging, diligent, creative , generous, faithful, watchful, vigorous, strong and cheerful -
and that's just for starters! If you think I am making this up, take a look at Proverbs 31.
Reading this passage used to discourage me. I'd start by checking off the verses I had
"covered" - things like sewing curtains and dust ruffles, or keeping my lamp burning late in
the night as I made endless "To Do lists. But no matter how hard I tried, I never got much
farther than that. I was always, as my friend Kenzie likes to put it, "the Proverbs 32 woman".
But that's where Jesus comes in. By myself I will never measure up. No matter how hard I
try to do everything "right," there will always be times when I let my children down. Unlike
the Proverbs 31 mother, I will probably never know what it feels like to have my kids get out
of bed in the morning and call me "blessed!" But I have learned that the less I rely on my
own abilities and the more I rely on Christ - and the more I let my children see me
depending on him for wisdom, guidance, and strength - the more I will be able to set an
example that's worth following. Instead of saying "Look at me," I'll be able to say
"Look at Jesus."
(pg. 190 of Praying the Scriptures for your Children)
God is always there to give us the wisdom and guidance we need right when we need it... isn't he?! This little passage started my morning. Coincidence, I think not!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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