Thanks to putting myself in my own time out this afternoon, as Meritt was in her early nap (and thanks to some good comment advise from Krista). I have come to realize I must have patience. Lots, and lots of patience. Meritt will grow up, and when she does I'll probably be sad that my sweet little one has grown so fast, and so big.
After taking a deep breath, and a little nap of my own, I realize that it's just little stuff. I can handle it... and everything goes better when handled with love.
Three is a really tough age in my opinion. At three, they are part baby, part learner of independance, and part 'big kid'. Not yet, or anymore one of those things completely. Every kid goes at there own pace of learning. (parents too!:)) As always in my life, keeping calm, and carrying on, is always the best way to go.
Here's hoping tomorrow, is smoother sailing, and that this mama, is able to remember to take deep breaths, enjoy the moments, the little things, and even the other stuff in between, because this too shall pass. Soon, three will be a distant memory, and I may even have moments I wish I could have it back!
Thanks for the advise Krista, you're totally right!
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Mike Thomas
why do I feel a kinderd spirit?! You are not alone in lesson..I saw the title on my side scroll bar and knew before opening what it was about..your aim/goal is right on..keep up the good work in Christ!
I had the same problem with Danielle is swimming lessons...we quit and the next year she was a simply wasn't her time...this too shall pass, you are a wonderful mother my friend!
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