Thursday, December 22, 2011


I am close to my 32nd birthday...
I have stretch marks...
I have a gut that doesn't want to go away, although I don't really try...
I say words that hurt unintentionally...
I yell at my kids when I don't want to...
I am at times highly O.C.D. ...
I have no filter...
I can't do it all...
I never have enough hours in a day, or a week, or a month, or a year...
I would have more babies in a heartbeat if it was meant to be for me...
I am addicted to tea...
I am sensitive...
I am a people pleaser...
I at times worry more about what makes others happy than what makes me happy...

My written words are sometimes misinterpreted, misunderstood, taken in a way they were never intended.
This blog is a place to be me. To share my truth. To share my life. To share my heart. To share myself. I have a lot of faults. I am in no way perfect. I am okay with my imperfections. It's taken me pretty close to my whole 32 years to say, I love who am - being imperfect, is perfect, because I am me. God loves me. God made me. God even forgives me, when I say something hurtful, that I didn't intend to hurt. When I yell at my kids when I should be loving them. When I don't have enough time to do everything for everybody. When I drink more tea than water. When I am too sensitive.  When I have to have my house just so, or things organized in a way that life doesn't feel out of control. 

I write this blog, because it's my place to share HIS love.
At times, when I've written something that gets misinterpreted, misunderstood, or is taken as hurtful; the people pleaser in me, wants to shut Bella's little Rose down forever. But I won't..... because I have a job to do here. That job is to tell you, that He love you too! Even when you feel totally imperfect, far from lovable, and totally misunderstood, crazed, and overwhelmed by life. 

In this season, of the greatest gift the world has ever known, let's reflect. Reflect on how great His love is for us, that he sent us his son to be a common man, to die for our sins, so that we can be forgiven for being such imperfect beings. How awesome, is that gift?!!! How awesome is it that we are loved far greater than we can ever fathom???!!! Far more than we even deserve. 

There is magic in my heart tonight.
I am filled, despite my imperfections.
I pray that you are too! 
and if not, I pray that maybe you can read my heart in this little message here at Bella's little Rose and know that despite your imperfections, you are loved too!


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Priya said...
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Holly @ Bella Nest said...
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jennasaisquoi said...
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