Friday, May 20, 2011

a new hobby...

crochet collage

About three weeks ago, Bella and I started taking crochet classes. I thought it would be a fun, calming, special thing that her and I could do together. Something that we could carve timeout of our week just to do her and I.

I am so glad I made the decision to do this with her!

We look forward to it every week. We practice together, and now have this 'thing' that is just between her and I. I felt she was desperately looking for me to give her some attention that was just hers. Something that didn't include her sister, or her dad, or anyone else.

We are both pretty creative, and we love to be crafty, so it was a perfect fit for us! Now we're learning all kinds of things, and there are SO MANY things I'd like to learn how to make!

The picture above is just a small collage of a few of the crocheted goodies I'd like to learn how to make one day! Isn't the wreath adorable?!!

So many things I'd like to make and do, yet so little time!


Myya said...

Those flowers are ADORABLE!!! What a fun little get-away from the world for you & Miss Bella :)

Shana said...

What a great idea! I keep thinking I need to have something for just Lyss and I to do. I feel so bad that she is the oldes so most of my time goes to Riley and Jillian. She never complains but I am starting to miss her the older she gets. I don't have too many more years of her thinking hanging out with mom is cool. So fun!

Bella Rose said...

Shana, the class we are taking is at Frogs and Pollywogs downtown. The cost is $39 per person. It's a 6 week class for learning to knit or crochet, any level of learning. She will be having another class in the summer she said, so you should call if you're interested! It's been really fun! It's nice to do something special - one kid at a time!