Wednesday, December 8, 2010

eight days later...

potty feet
No more Diapers

Eight days after the diaper fairy came to our house, and several laxatives, a doctors call, many tears, and a thousand trips to the toilet... I am happy to announce we have a happy pooper named Meritt!

She now goes to the toilet a thousand times a day 'just to see' if she needs to poop. She has also let us (and everyone she knows) that she (in her words) 'loves to poop!' It's hilarious, and never fails to make me laugh, every time she says it! We've come FULL CIRCLE. From devastatingly fearful of pooping on the potty, to elated. Who knew...

It has been an exhausting ride, especially since it came on the same weekend we moved my grandma to a foster care home, and the same weekend Bella came down with a stomach bug, but it's DONE! I now feel like I could use to sleep for the next week (and I might!). But, I am so glad to be officially out of diapers at our house! So, so glad I could do a happy dance! (if I had the energy!) We still don't have a Christmas tree, or a wreath, or any kind of Christmas decorations in our home. We still have turkey's and pumpkins decorating the house, but oh well... There are several big things checked off my list, and that is worth more than a thousand Christmas trees in my book! I can now check off my Christmas list to Santa - get Meritt to poop in the potty! That may be the best gift I've received in a while! :)


Myya said...

YAY!!! Congrats to Miss Meritt and even bigger congrats to one tired Mama!

Bella Rose said...

Thanks Myya!

Shana said...

So exciting!!! I am wishing for that present with Jillian! Someday...