My girls are all tucked in and fast asleep. Matt is sleeping soundly next to me. As I lie here tonight thinking about tomorrow, the week ahead, and the days to come, I am feeling a bit sentimental. Maybe for a bunch of reasons...
The first of which is because tomorrow I will be taking my sweet Bella to the first day of her second grade year. When approaching big milestone days like this, I always have this feeling of disbelief wash over me. How can it be? Where has the time gone? Most of all I get this warm fuzzy feeling of love and thankfulness when I think about Bella. She is such a wonderful, sweet, warm, little girl. She is truly one of my most favorite people on earth, and when I think of her in this warm light, the disbelief fades into pure joy that she is mine. I have had the pleasure of enjoying two and a half months at home with her by my side, enjoying days filled with simple, good, pleasures. In these moments of gratefulness, I see God's love, his hand, and his delight casting down on our lives.
The second of which is because on Friday, I will be taking my baby, my little Meritt Rose to her very first day of Preschool. Wow. The baby days at our house are officially over. Any final pieces that I may have been holding onto are now fading away into the next chapter of her story. While my arms are emptier without any babies to feed or rock, my heart is full. Possibly more full than it has ever been.
Last, but most definitely not least, I have been thinking alot about what my marriage means to me lately. The sixteenth of this month marks Matt and my 10th wedding anniversary. Wow. Again. We were two young kids, who knew nothing. NOTHING... except for the fact that we were madly in love with the other, and that we had to be together, forever. Despite all the warnings of people much older than we were, despite the lack of money, the lack of insurance, the lack of material things or even direction. We just knew that when we were together anything was possible. We knew that we wanted to be right in the world, and the only way to do that was to be joined forever, as a family, the two of us, in front of God, our families, and everyone we loved. So we did. That was the beginning of our amazing adventure of life, side by side, and hand in hand. The last ten years haven't been perfect. I don't think I would have wanted them to be. There have been highs and lows, and days in between. But, still after all these years, when I quiet myself, and all the things around myself, I know without a doubt that he's the one for me. Perfectly designed just for me. Yep, we're imperfectly perfect matches for each other! God is good that way isn't he?!
So with all of these things twirling around me inside, and out, I just can't help but feel a little sentimental, thinking about all that has been, and all that is yet to come! It's gonna be a great week, heck let's go for a great month! :+)
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
Mandy you really have a wonderful way with words. So sweet describing your girls & the way that you described you & Matt & marriage. Lovely! I love that you said "we're imperfectly perfect matches for eachother!" What an amazing description!! I feel that way a lot too. So different yet so the same, guess we just balance eachother. It's fun that way huh!
Amira starts preschool in 2 weeks. This will all be so new to me. I've been feeling very sentimental lately. Although, having my baby turn 1 this week is making it even more. Uggghhh, what are us mamas to do with these little ladies growing up so quickly right infront of our eyes! Hope you have a wonderful week... & month :)
These milestones are some of my favorites too! Alyssa just started 2nd grade today and although I was a lil sad to see her growing up, I am proud at how independant she is. After walking her to class she tells me she can get herself to class by herself from now on! Such a big girl. My little Jillian started Kindergarten today and this lil girl I am not so ready to let her go on her own. Being the strong Mama we all have to be the smile and warmth stayed on my face till I got out of her sight then the I am leaving my baby crying in a new place all alone tears stared flowing. Mama is seriously the toughest job ever, it sure pulls at every heartstring we have! Congrats though on you and Matt. On the 23rd Willard and will be celebrating our 10th anniversary too! We were just talking yesterday about pictures of us when we had Alyssa and how young we were, it has been a hard road but I wouldn't have wanted to walk it with anybody else! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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