Part 1 of our road trip adventure. This is how we spent our first day on the road and our very last. We had so much fun, we decided to go again on the way home. It was 106 degrees when we went through the first time, and many of the animals were taking naps so, 78 degrees on the way home seemed much better! We did see lots of animals that we didn't get a chance to the first time, so it was worth the extra trip! If you haven't been before I highly recommend visiting the Wildlife Safari in Winston, OR... it's a 600 acre wildlife safari that you are allowed to drive through and view the animals. Great fun if you are ever by it!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
wonderful places, wonderful photos.. ah i want to be there once :/
Jacob would love this.
I'll have to remember to add this to the list of 'Things we want to see when we get back to Oregon' ... right after the coast and that place that serves bacon strips on their maple longjohns, of course.
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