Tuesday, June 10, 2008

my dad

There are people in our lives that weigh more heavily on you than others. Their opinions are somehow more important, you listen and tend to remember their words as you walk through life. My dad is one of those people to me. He is the first man that taught me how every other should treat me. He showed me what respect is. He has always made me feel special, loved, and important. Throughout my life I never remember a time he wouldn't do anything he could for my happiness. Whether it was taking me for a "special date" or coming to eat school lunch when I was a little girl, or helping me remodel my house as I'm a grown up. There are very few people ever so selfless, that they give to you without ever looking back. But, he is one of those people. He was there when I learned how to walk, there when I learned how to ride a bike, there when I learned how to drive a car, there as I gave another man my heart, there when I gave birth to my babies, and continues to be there as an important and critical part of my life. I feel thankful each and every day that I have been so lucky to have had so much love in my life. My dad has taught me what true love is. I am also so thankful for the love that he gives my girls. There is nothing so important in a young girls life than strong relationships with the male role models in their lives. My girls are lucky enough to have two! As we are almost at Fathers Day, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to my dad... You go above and beyond the duties of Dad and Papa. You always do things for all of us with love, and for that and every other thing you've ever done or taught me I thank you, and love you for it, from the bottom of my heart! Happy Father's Day Dad... XOXO

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