Is there any one in your life that is your constant? You know... the person you can always count on even when the chips are down? The person that knows how to comfort you when there seems to be no comfort in the world. The person that pretty much knows what your thinking before you are thinking it. A person so true to you that they are your hero? That would be my mom for me. While at times I don't always understand her, I always respect her. She has depth I'm not sure she even knows she has. I admire her patients, and calming way, her faith, and ability to sit and listen to God, when it's not the easiest thing to do. She is my go to person, the one I always know will be there for me, my comforter, and my friend. With mothers day coming up it's got me thinking... about the kind of mom I want to be, about how special my mom is to me, and how I don't say thank you to her nearly enough. So, let me take this opportunity to say thank you, mom, for all that you do, all that you are, and just for being you. Mom, you are an amazing person, I wish you knew how amazing you are. I know we have a different situation than most, spending so much time together, which at times leads us to take advantage of one another, but at the end of the day if you know nothing else know that I love you, admire you, thank you, and appreciate you for all that you are and all that you do! Happy Mothers Day, I wish you all of the things in life that make your heart happy.